A Meditation for Positive Change
A Meditation for positive change.
This is one of my favorite meditations and one of the first mantra meditations I found on my journey.
Sa Ta Na Ma
This meditation works with the seed sounds of life. The broken down seed sounds of SAT NAM = truth, or truth is my identity. You want to connect more deeply to your true self and your purpose? This meditation is for you!
Sa = Infinity
Ta = Life
Na = Death
Ma = Rebirth
This meditation assists in shedding the old you and becoming the you that you were meant to be; your true self.
This meditation works with sound, and the powerful sound and vibration of your own voice. Feel it move through you as you repeat the mantra.
With each part of the mantra there is a mudra (a hand position). The thumb will rotate through and touch the tip of each finger. Sa -- touch the thumb to the index finger. Ta -- touch the thumb to the middle finger. Na -- touch the thumb to the ring finger. Ma -- touch the thumb to the pinkie finger. Do so very lightly.
We cycle through the mantra. We cycle through the mudra(s), and each finger. As we do so we are reminded of the cycles of life. Impermanence. Each of us will go through several new beginnings and several endings in this life.
For at least 3 minutes
I highly encourage you to follow along to this music and meditate for 11 minutes.
Every day is different.
Some days the meditation will be easy.
Some days you will dread the meditation.
Meditate for 3 - 11 minutes. Once a day. For 40 days.
The Mantra is repeated first out loud. As we repeat the sounds out loud we acknowledge ourselves in the world interacting with things and people outside of ourselves. Then, the mantra is repeated as a whisper. As we whisper we recognize our internal state, intuition, and true selves, regardless of the outside world. Then, The mantra is repeated silently in the mind. As we repeat the mantra silently in the mind we are connecting to Spirit, and our ability to connect with Spirit, and be one with Spirit.
Share your experience in the comments below!
I love doing this meditation to this music